Animal Sign & Gua Number

Nov 08, 2024

Note: If you were born in January or February, you may belong to different Zodiac Signs, depend on Chinese New Year date.

Kua Number, defines to which group you are belong to. In Feng Shui, the Eight Mansion Theory states Four Favorable and Four Unfavorable Directions. They are our personalized good directions, which could be used to bring auspicious energy into our lives.

For example:  if you are a male and born on February 20, 1972 - Rat, your Kua number 1, if you are female  and born on February 20, 1972 – Rat, your kua number 8. And if you are male and born on February 1, 1972- Boar, than you belong to previous year and your Kua number is 2 and if you female than your Kua number is 4.

Group Interpretation:

There are two groups of people: East Group People have kua numbers 1; 3; 4; 9; and West Group People have kua numbers 2; 6; 7; 8 and 5.

With your kua number, you can choose to benefit yourself by bring your personal energy following those auspicious directions in your homes, offices or business, or work place. Check the tables above for your four good and four bad directions.

Sheng Chi – The energy is auspicious vibrant energy, this is your best direction

Tian Yi - The energy means “Heavenly Doctor” in Chinese, this is your health direction

Nien Yan – The energy means “Prolonged Lifetime” in Chinese, this is your romantic and relationship direction.

Fu Wei – This energy relates to “mental alertness with a strong basic”, this is your personal development direction

Jueh Ming – This is the most harmful directions: money loss, bankruptcy, long term illness, injury and disaster and so on.

Wu Gui – The energy means “Five Ghosts”. The energy will bring one empty hopes.

Liu Shar – The energy means “Six Types of Killings”. This energy causes havoc in relationship and love.

Huo Hai – The energy means “No Luck”. This energy brings hardship to people.

From 1916-1972

From 1972-2032

East/ West Group Direction based on Kua Number